- Children 0-8 still predominantly watch TV (not tablet, etc)
- Lower income children have higher screen time
- 9 million children lacked internet access in 2020
- Kids are getting smartphones younger and younger
- Children are increasingly watching individually (on their phones) rather than on bigger screens (with family/friends)
- Kids sign up for social media ~12.6 years old
- I wonder whether most people lie on these surveys and that’s why the age is almost 13, the legal age
- Media multi-tasking is the new normal
- The best children’s media is engaging/funny/compelling for both children and their parents
- Little jokes that make sense to the parents but fly over the children’s heads
- Lots of critics have talked about how media makes children couch potatoes who can’t focus on anything
- Professor believes that media can be a positive, pro-social factor for children