- Snow White: first feature film that Disney put out.
- Launched Disney into success.
- Huge technological progress.
- Zipes: “revolutionary technical means capitalized on American innocence and utopianism to reinforce the social and political status quo.”
- Private corporation takes a public good and sells it back to the society it stole it from.
- Now it’s less available to lower classes (have to be able to read, or buy movie tickets, or buy Disney World tickets).
- The spectacle: don’t have an explicit moral.
- That gets in the way to selling to as wide an audience as possible.
- Make everything digestible, infantile, simple.
- Snow White is dumbed down.
- Evil stepmother only visits once.
- Deletion of Snow White’s birth mother and her death.
- It took a while for American audiences to be okay with a devastating death out of the gate.
- Disney: “We just try to make a good picture. And then the professors come along and tell us what we do.”
- He refused to reckon with the ideologies with which he lived.
- Silence is complicity.