What are the most effective ways to study?

- Most studies are on massed rereading (back-to-back), which is easier to study, not spaced rereading.
- This is low ecological validity (how real a study’s scenario is)
- Laptop note-takers do more verbatim notes, handwritten can’t keep up so they don’t
- Laptop vs. handwritten were equal on factual recall
- Handwritten performs better on conceptual test
- Hand-writing notes seems to force active learning
- Teacher-generated outlines
- Skeletal (incomplete) outlines better than complete outlines or transcripts
- Learner-generated outlines
- Read through entire text, then outline
Flash cards
- This is called retrieval practice
- Recalling information helps consolidate it
- Don’t be “done” with a card until you get it right 3 times
Listening to music while studying
- Listening to pop music hampers the ability to answer reading comprehension questions (Anderson & Fuller, 2010)
- Memory is best under silence, next is music without lyrics, worst is music with lyrics
- Music affects introverts more negatively than extroverts