Chapter 8: The Major Motives — Food, Love, Sex, and Work

Intro to Psychology


Motivation: a process in an organism that causes it to move towards a goal or away from an unpleasant situation.

  • Intrinsic motivation: motivation for the activity’s own sake.
  • Extrinsic motivation: motivation due to external rewards.

The Biology of Weight

  • Set point: an individual’s genetically influenced weight range.

Environmental Influences on Weight

  1. Abundant access to fast and processed foods.
  2. Increased portions in the U.S.
  3. High-sugar, high-calorie soft drinks.
  4. Decline in exercise (screens, desk jobs).
  5. Highly varied diets.
    • When diets are predictable, people habituate and eat less.


  • People crave high-calorie high-fat foods because it was evolutionarily beneficial.
  • Environmental factors on how much we eat:
    • Portion sizes
    • Plate size
    • Availability of food

Eating Disorders

  • Bulimia nervosa: person binges (eats a lot), feels out of control, then purges (vomiting / laxatives).
    • Rare in non-Western cultures; correlated with rise in thin ideal for women.
  • Anorexia nervosa: person hardly eats and becomes dangerously thin.

Genes play a role in the development of eating disorders, but so do anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and distorted body image.

The Biology of Love

  • Vasopressin and oxytocin: hormones that play a crucial role in social bonding.
    • Oxytocin causes people to attach to those close to them, but be defensive to those outside the group.

The Psychology of Love

  • Adults’ attachment styles (secure, anxious, avoidant) derive from how they were treated as a child.
  • In cultures where it is unmasculine to express emotion, men express their love by taking compassionate actions.
  • Predictors of love:
    • Proximity
    • Similarity (values, beliefs, physical look)
    • Physiological arousal
    • Reciprocity

Biology of Sexual Orientation

  • The more older brothers you have, the more likely you are to be gay.
    • Hypothesis: mothers are more likely in subsequent pregnancies to develop an immune response against a substance important to male brain development.


  • Some think that women don’t like casual sex, but when women think their partner is experienced, the rates are comparable between men and women.
    • Studies show women experience less pleasure during sex.

Motivations for Rape

  • Narcissism and hostility towards women.
  • A desire to dominate, humiliate, or punish the victim.
  • Sadism (getting pleasure from inflicting pain).


  • Performance goals: goals based on performing well or being judged favorably.
    • People who fail are more likely to conclude that the fault is in them as a person.
  • Mastery goals: goals based on improving a skill or finding intrinsic pleasure in what you’re learning.
  • Self-efficacy: confidence; belief that one is capable of acquiring a new skill.

The Pursuit of Happiness

  • People motivated by intrinsic satisfaction are happier than people motivated by money.
  • Experiences make people more satisfied than having things.